Key Publication
Lai, Y.H., Rusly, C. and Chen, H.Y., 2023. Regulating solid electrolyte interphase with amide-rich carbon nanotube interlayer for high power lithium-sulfur battery. Surfaces and Interfaces, 36, p.102578.
Chen, H.Y., Wu, C.Y., Hsueh, Y.T. and Huang, H.H., 2021. Electromechanical properties of embedded multifunctional energy storage composite with activated carbon fiber/PVDF gel electrolyte. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 44(3), pp.252-260.
Lo, H.J., Huang, M.C., Lai, Y.H. and Chen, H.Y., 2021. Towards bi-functional all-solid-state supercapacitor based on nickel hydroxide-reduced graphene oxide composite electrodes. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 262, p.124306.
Wu, T.Y., Gao, C., Huang, M.C., Zhang, Z., Wang, P.Y., Chen, H.Y., Chen, G. and Chen, H.Y., 2020. Vapor-Stripping and Encapsulating to Construct Particles with Time-Controlled Asymmetry and Anisotropy. Coatings, 10(12), p.1248.
Lee, C.Y., Lai, Y.H., Pan, K.R., Tan, H.L. and Chen, H.Y., 2020. Impact of Acetate Additive on PbO2 Plating and Oxygen Evolution in Soluble Lead Flow Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3(10), pp.9576-9584.
Lai, Y.H., Kuo, Y.T., Lai, B.Y., Lee, Y.C. and Chen, H.Y., 2019. Improving lithium‐sulfur battery performance with lignin reinforced MWCNT protection layer. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(11), pp.5803-5811.
Lin, Y.T., Kuo, W.C., Lee, C.Y., Tan, H.L., Chen, H.Y., Chan, H.W., Lai, Y.H. and Pan, K.R., 2019. Extending the Lifespan of Soluble Lead Flow Batteries with a Sodium Acetate Additive. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (143), p.e58484.
Li, S.L., Yen, J.H., Kano, K., Liu, S.M., Liu, C.L., Cheng, S.S. and Chen, H.Y., 2018. Using metabolic charge production in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (QTCA) to evaluate the extracellular-electron-transfer performances of Shewanella spp. Bioelectrochemistry, 124, pp.119-126.
Chung, J.H. and Chen, H.Y., 2018, April. Modeling of Lithium Sulfur Battery with Microscopically Consistent Parameterization. In ECS Meeting Abstracts (No. 21, p. 1347). IOP Publishing.
Chen, H.Y., Tang, H.L., Lee, C.Y. and Lin, Y.T., 2018, April. Stabilization of Electrodeposit in Soluble Lead Flow Batteries with Acetate Additive. In ECS Meeting Abstracts (No. 19, p. 1238). IOP Publishing.
Lin, Y.T., Tan, H.L., Lee, C.Y. and Chen, H.Y., 2018. Stabilizing the electrodeposit-electrolyte interphase in soluble lead flow batteries with ethanoate additive. Electrochimica Acta, 263, pp.60-67.
Lo, H.J. and Chen, H.Y., 2017. All-solid-state supercapacitor based on graphene oxide composite electrodes. ECS Transactions, 80(10), p.453.
Huang, H.H., Chen, H.Y., Liao, K.C., Young, H.T., Lee, C.F. and Tien, J.Y., 2017. Thermal-electrochemical coupled simulations for cell-to-cell imbalances in lithium-iron-phosphate based battery packs. Applied Thermal Engineering, 123, pp.584-591.
Liao, M.S., Chen, S.F., Chou, C.Y., Chen, H.Y., Yeh, S.H., Chang, Y.C. and Jiang, J.A., 2017. On precisely relating the growth of Phalaenopsis leaves to greenhouse environmental factors by using an IoT-based monitoring system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 136, pp.125-139.
Chen, H.Y. and Chang, C.W., 2015, April. Towards Long Cycle Life of Soluble Lead-Acid Redox Flow Batteries. In ECS Meeting Abstracts (No. 3, p. 680). IOP Publishing.
Lu, Y., Kreller, C.R., Adler, S.B., Wilson, J.R., Barnett, S.A., Voorhees, P.W., Chen, H.Y. and Thornton, K., 2014. Performance variability and degradation in porous La1-xSrxCoO3-δ electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161(4), p.F561.
Kang, M., Wu, J.H., Sofferman, D.L., Beskin, I., Chen, H.Y., Thornton, K. and Goldman, R.S., 2013. Origins of ion irradiation-induced Ga nanoparticle motion on GaAs surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 103(7), p.072115.
Chang, Y.C., Wan, J.J., Chen, C.P., Chuang, C.L., Chen, H.Y., Tseng, C.L. and Jiang, J.A., 2013. A smart WSN gateway with automatic data backup mechanism for large-scale monitoring in greenhouse. In 2013 EFITA Conference: Sustainable Agriculture through ICT Innovation (EFITA2013), Turin, Italy, paper ID C (Vol. 160).
Yu, H.C., Chen, H.Y. and Thornton, K., 2012. Extended smoothed boundary method for solving partial differential equations with general boundary conditions on complex boundaries. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 20(7), p.075008.
Chen, H.Y., Yu, H.C., Cronin, J.S., Wilson, J.R., Barnett, S.A. and Thornton, K., 2012. Ni coarsening in the three-phase solid oxide fuel cell anode-a phase-field simulation study. arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.1567.
Kreller, C., Drake, M., Adler, S.B., Chen, H.Y., Yu, H.C., Thornton, K., Wilson, J.R. and Barnett, S.A., 2011. Modeling SOFC cathodes based on 3-D representations of electrode microstructure. ECS Transactions, 35(1), p.815.
Chen, H.Y., Yu, H.C., Cronin, J.S., Wilson, J.R., Barnett, S.A. and Thornton, K., 2011. Simulation of coarsening in three-phase solid oxide fuel cell anodes. Journal of Power Sources, 196(3), pp.1333-1337.
Chen, H.Y., 2011. Simulations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes with Complex Microstructures (Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan).
Wilson, J.R., Cronin, J.S., Rukes, S., Barnett, S., Duong, A.T., Mumm, D.R., Chen, H.Y. and Thornton, K., 2010. Effect of composition of (La {sub 0.8} Sr {sub 0.2} MnO {sub 3}-Y {sub 2} O {sub 3}-stabilized ZrO {sub 2}) cathodes: Correlating three-dimensional microstructure and polarization resistance. Journal of Power Sources, 195.
Wilson, J.R., Cronin, J.S., Duong, A.T., Rukes, S., Chen, H.Y., Thornton, K., Mumm, D.R. and Barnett, S., 2010. Effect of composition of (La0. 8Sr0. 2MnO3–Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2) cathodes: Correlating three-dimensional microstructure and polarization resistance. Journal of Power Sources, 195(7), pp.1829-1840.
Chen, H.Y., Yu, H.C., Kreller, C., Wilson, J., Barnett, S., Adler, S. and Thornton, K., 2010. Simulation of Oxygen Ion Transport in Mixed-Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode with Complex Microstructure. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, 420 Commonwealth Dr., P. O. Box 430 Warrendale PA 15086 USA.[np]. 14-18 Feb.
Yu, H.C., Chen, H.Y. and Thornton, K., 2009. Smoothed boundary method for solving partial differential equations with general boundary conditions on complex boundaries. arXiv preprint arXiv:0912.1288.
Chen, H.Y., Kwon, Y. and Thornton, K., 2009. Multifunctionality of three-dimensional self-assembled composite structure. Scripta Materialia, 61(1), pp.52-55.
Wilson, J.R., Duong, A.T., Gameiro, M., Chen, H.Y., Thornton, K., Mumm, D.R. and Barnett, S.A., 2009. Quantitative three-dimensional microstructure of a solid oxide fuel cell cathode. Electrochemistry Communications, 11(5), pp.1052-1056.
Barnett, S., Wilson, J., Kobsiriphat, W., Chen, H.Y., Mendoza, R., Hiller, J.M., Miller, D., Thornton, K., Voorhees, P.W. and Adler, S., 2007. Three-Dimensional Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Using Focused Ion Beam–Scanning Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13(S02), pp.596-597.
Wilson, J., Kobsiriphat, W., Mendoza, R., Chen, H.Y., Hines, T., Hiller, J., Miller, D., Thornton, K., Voorhees, P., Adler, S.B. and Mumm, D.R., 2007. Three dimensional reconstruction of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes using focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy. ECS Transactions, 7(1), p.1879.
Wilson, J.R., Kobsiriphat, W., Mendoza, R., Chen, H.Y., Hiller, J.M., Miller, D.J., Thornton, K., Voorhees, P.W., Adler, S.B. and Barnett, S.A., 2006. Three-dimensional reconstruction of a solid-oxide fuel-cell anode. Nature materials, 5(7), pp.541-544.